Bee Boe
Bee Boe is a writer, photographer and video producer who founded Be Bold Games in 2018. Her passions include her cat Dax, her daughter Hailey, bouldering, and going on adventures to capture the perfect photos on her camera.
She writes about her perspective as a Latinx woman in gaming and is passionate about intersectional feminism as well as queer inclusion and advocacy. When she’s not tweeting she’s off in the mountains playing ukulele and singing at the top of her tiny lungs.
Hailey Boe
Hailey Boe is just 10-years-old but that doesn’t stop her from having a massive voice in table top gaming. Her passions are anime, Hatsune Miku, her cat Franky, video games, photography, and Pokemon. In her free time you can catch her drawing magical girls in her room at her art desk.
Any picture you’ve seen of Bebo against a brick wall was likely taken by Hailey.
Eric Yurko
Eric is the primary reviewer and photographer for his board game review website, What's Eric Playing?. He generally enjoys light, cooperative, and dexterity games, and in his free time he's watching Black Panther or working his actual job as a Software Engineer.
James Goff
Jim Goff is freelance content creator living in the Twin Cities area, which is great because he can live in the “North” but not be so far north that he has to fight bears. (Which is difficult to do while wearing the Power Glove) He’s a filthy casual Nintendo fanboy who recently discovered how much he loves Pokemon in all forms but the game he currently plays 24/7 is Super Fatherhood Explore in which he helped craft two awesome human boys named Enver and Link. His still-growing retro neon soaked brand of content known as Pizza Meeple can be found on all social media and dirty arcade bulletin boards everywhere.
Omari Akil
Omari Akil is a writer, game designer, co-founder of Board Game Brothas and former education tech wrangler. He spends most of his time making games and working to foster more inclusive and inviting gaming communities in New Orleans, LA and Durham, NC. Occasionally, he can also be found dancing like nobody is watching, most often in very colorful sneakers.
John Pappas
Librarian Gameslut with a passion for being goth.
Victoria Mann
Victoria Mann is a former Paralegal who left the devouring world of law to pursue a 7-year successful tabletop game career and currently wears many hats at White Wizard Games and is a fierce defender of justice and love. Her passions include her dogs Apollo and Athena, reading as often as possible, playing games, watching Netflix, chatting with friends or working as much as possible because she literally can't be stopped and wants to do ALL of the things.
Lila sadkin
Lila Sadkin is a freelance editor, writer, and all-purpose nerd.
At this very moment she’s almost certainly thinking about board games, dog training, what to make for dinner tomorrow (probably something with potatoes), the novel she’s writing, all the ways that depression is the worst, the book she’s currently reading, her chronic pain, the five books she’s currently not reading (they’re definitely overdue), what TV show to watch next, laundry, and whether she really wants popcorn right now (yes).
Kiera is a champion of kindness and inclusion. Her favorite games include Catch The Moon, Mass Transit and Cat Lady!