Be Bold Games

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Strike: How to Play

In STRIKE! The Game of Worker Rebellion, you’re going to try to defeat HappyCorp, an evil mega corporation that is taking over your city. STRIKE! is a cooperative game for 2 - 4 players. 

In Strike!, players will collectively win if they score 15 points - and HappyCorp is abolished from their city! But HappyCorp can win in one of two ways: if it reaches 15 points first, or if it gets all five of its feared MegaDrones onto the board at once. Then, the takeover of your city is complete.

So here’s how you play,

Every player chooses one of the eight unique characters, each who has their own stats and powers. You’ll take the strikers matching the same color, four action cubes, and an energy marker. 

The City Board is made up of 12 places, like the Harbor, City Hall, and the Financial District. The objective is for players to get their Strikers in different locations in order to complete the requirements on their Strike cards, which will score them points! We’ll talk about that more in just a minute.

Each character also has two special powers. Most powers will allow you to help your teammates. For instance, Candace’s first power - dispatcher - means that whenever she moves two of her strikers in a turn, she can move another players’ striker for free, helping other players get around the board. Her second power - first responder - means that whenever she moves, she can move an extra space for free. 

On each player’s turn, they will place their four “action” tokens on their character board to gain more strikers, move them around the board, remove HappyCorp’s drones, draw cards, and score points. Here’s how that works: 

If you place an action on Grow Ranks , you’ll add one new Striker to your Home Base or wherever you have a Striker already. So if Candace has a Striker in Corporate HQ, she can add another Striker there.

Mobilizing lets you move your strikers, disassembling lets you remove a drone from a space you are in, and drawing lets you gain more cards.

Each character has a unique number of stats and can hold a different maximum number of action tokens - meaning they have to strategize in different ways! 

Playing Cards

Players will also have Ally Cards and Strike Cards in their hands. And instead of the basic actions of Grow Ranks, Mobilize, Disassemble, and Draw - you can use your action cubes to play an Ally or Strike card. 

Ally cards will let players gain more energy and give extra, powerful bonuses.

STRIKE! Cards are your goals around the city and how you will score points. To complete a Strike card, you must have three Strikers in the location listed on the card - such as the University. Then, you have to place an action on both of the required areas of your character board. 

When completing Strike cards, you add one victory (the star) to the space you are in and score points for the STRIKERS.  

Here’s how you score: Every time you add a victory to a location, you score 1 point for each victory there. So for example, the first victory you add to a space scores the strikers one point. The second victory added scores the strikers 2 points. And the third victory scores 3 points.

But it’s harder to complete a strike again in the same place: The second victory you score in a space requires 5 strikers (instead of just 3), and then the third victory you add to a space requires 7 strikers.

At the end of each player’s turn, they must draw one Commercial Break.

Commercial Breaks will do bad things for players - primarily adding HappyCorp’s drones to the board. Whenever you draw a Commercial Break, you must do what it says, like:

Rolling the drone die. Most Commercial Breaks will tell you to roll the 12-sided die. Whenever you do, you add a regular drone to the numbered space you’ve just rolled. For example, if you roll an 8, you add a drone to the University.

And whenever a drone is added to a location, every player there must remove one Striker from the space. But players can choose to lose 1 energy to defend their strikers and keep them in the space instead!

And worst of all: if there are ever three regular drones in a space, they fuse into a megadrone! When this happens, you replace all three drones in that space with a MegaDrone - and HappyCorp scores 1 point for each MegaDrone in that color! For example: If there is a MegaDrone in Harbor already and another one is created in the Manufacturing District, there are two MegaDrones in blue spaces. So HappyCorp scores 2 points. 

Finally, HappyCorp is going to fight back harder as you score more points. At the start of the game, you start at level 1 - but you’ll advance to level 2 and level 3 as you complete strikes and score points. As the Strikers become more powerful, Commercial Breaks will send more drones around the board and cause players to lose more energy. After all, HappyCorp won’t just sit around and let you stop their diabolical plan!

If the players score 15 victory points before HappyCorp scores 15 points of its own or gets 5 MegaDrones on the board, the players win the game and their city is saved!

And that’s how you play STRIKE! You’ll have to find the right balance between teamwork and responding to dangers as they arise.