Arch Ravels : How to Play
Bebo: Hailey, what do you do to unwind these days?
Hailey: Honestly? Recently I’ve picked up Knitting?
Bebo: Do you listen to any podcasts or music while you knit?
Hailey: A little Thread Zepplin, and Purl Jam.
Bebo: Why do I even bother with you?Hailey: This is how I roll. Wool just let me knit in peace?
In ArchRavels, players are competing to outsmart their fellow crafters in this drafting, set collection, resource management and order fulfillment game. Hook and Stitch your way to the top! In the game, the players will be gathering yarn, crafting them into items, and exchanging those items to complete projects, earning points.
The first thing players need to do is choose player boards. This gives them the information they need to properly pick out their special requests.
Special requests are selected by first picking each character's "favorite request" listed on the top of their player board and then randomly selecting one additional special request per player. Those are then shuffled into the yarn deck and the rest are returned to the box.
To set up the game, create the yarn bazaar by shuffling all of the special requests together and then randomly select 2 requests per player. Put the rest back in the box! When setting up the yarn bazaar, if any "non-yarn" cards are turned over, they are set aside and new cards are turned over to replace them until six yarn cards are face up. Shuffle any cards that were set aside back into the yarn deck.
Then, shuffle the selected ones into the main deck and place the deck face-down on the board. Turn over the 6 top cards and place them in a grid. Then put the yarn tray onto the table next to the cards and fill each with one color of yarn tokens!
Next put all of the item tokens in a row! Finally you’ll create the project list. Shuffle all of the project cards and randomly select 3 projects per player without examining them. This will create the project deck. Put the rest back in the box! Put this face-down on the table and turn over the top 3 projects and place them in a row.
Each player is then given a player board and the matching action selection token! Then they’ll each get one randomly selected bear, mitten and scarf pattern tile, a personal yarn bowl, and 1 yarn token of each color. They’ll place their pattern tiles on their player board as well as their yarn bowl with their yarn tokens in it.
Each player board represents a specialist in the crafting community with a unique ability.
The Color Specialist may craft 1 item and ignore any color rules when doing so.
The Yarn Spinner may take 3 yarn tokens of their choice from the yarn Bazaar.
The Fiber Artist has more available craft actions than any other player.
AndThrifty has more available shop actions than any other player.
There are 3 kinds of cards in the main Deck! Yarn Cards, event cards and special request cards.
Yarn Cards depict yarn of 6 different colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple) in various combinations. Each card also has a number on it (1, 2 or 3) indicating how many total yarn tokens it’s worth.
Event Cards depict random events that occur when the player reveal cards. Each one includes the rules on how it should be resolved. Some will instruct all players to do a thing and others will only instruct the active player to make a choice.
Special requests are requests from your friends and fans to make special or unique items. We’ll go over details on special requests in a bit.
Project cards depict groups of items that can be collected and traded for points. Each project card has a name, a point value, and the items you need to complete it.
Patterns & Pattern tiles depict the exact number of colors of yarn tokens a crafter needs to create a specific item.
For a hat the player needs 2 yarn of different colors
For a bear the player needs 3 yarn of one color
For mittens the player needs 2 yarn of one color and 1 yarn of any other
For a scarf the player needs 4 yarn of different color
For a blanket the player needs 5 yarn of one color.
These will sometimes vary from game to game but the hat and blanket patterns will always remain the same.
Players take turns clockwise in order starting with the player who last crafted something. There are two phases during a players turn. The Action Phase and the Restock Phase.
On their turn the player chooses one of the four action spaces on their player board to move their action selection token to. Then they may do the actions indicated on that space. The token must always be moved to a new space each turn can they can not be repeated.
Each player has a number of actions to choose from!
Craft: Turn in the required yarn tokens to create an item and then take that item token from the supply. You may repeat this the number of times indicated on your craft action!
Craft 1 using any colors: This is the ability of the colorist. This allows them to craft 1 item and ignore color rules when crafting it!
Exchange: Return any number of yarn tokens of one color to the bazaar and take the same number of yarn tokens of any other color from the Bazaar.
“Commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.”
Bebo: Hailey, what do you do to unwind these days?
Hailey: Honestly? Recently I’ve picked up Knitting?
Bebo: Do you listen to any podcasts or music while you knit?
Hailey: A little Thread Zepplin, and Purl Jam.
Bebo: Why do I even bother with you?Hailey: This is how I roll. Wool just let me knit in peace?
In ArchRavels, players are competing to outsmart their fellow crafters in this drafting, set collection, resource management and order fulfillment game. Hook and Stitch your way to the top! In the game, the players will be gathering yarn, crafting them into items, and exchanging those items to complete projects, earning points.
The first thing players need to do is choose player boards. This gives them the information they need to properly pick out their special requests.
Special requests are selected by first picking each character's "favorite request" listed on the top of their player board and then randomly selecting one additional special request per player. Those are then shuffled into the yarn deck and the rest are returned to the box.
To set up the game, create the yarn bazaar by shuffling all of the special requests together and then randomly select 2 requests per player. Put the rest back in the box! When setting up the yarn bazaar, if any "non-yarn" cards are turned over, they are set aside and new cards are turned over to replace them until six yarn cards are face up. Shuffle any cards that were set aside back into the yarn deck.
Then, shuffle the selected ones into the main deck and place the deck face-down on the board. Turn over the 6 top cards and place them in a grid. Then put the yarn tray onto the table next to the cards and fill each with one color of yarn tokens!
Next put all of the item tokens in a row! Finally you’ll create the project list. Shuffle all of the project cards and randomly select 3 projects per player without examining them. This will create the project deck. Put the rest back in the box! Put this face-down on the table and turn over the top 3 projects and place them in a row.
Each player is then given a player board and the matching action selection token! Then they’ll each get one randomly selected bear, mitten and scarf pattern tile, a personal yarn bowl, and 1 yarn token of each color. They’ll place their pattern tiles on their player board as well as their yarn bowl with their yarn tokens in it.
Each player board represents a specialist in the crafting community with a unique ability.
The Color Specialist may craft 1 item and ignore any color rules when doing so.
The Yarn Spinner may take 3 yarn tokens of their choice from the yarn Bazaar.
The Fiber Artist has more available craft actions than any other player.
AndThrifty has more available shop actions than any other player.
There are 3 kinds of cards in the main Deck! Yarn Cards, event cards and special request cards.
Yarn Cards depict yarn of 6 different colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple) in various combinations. Each card also has a number on it (1, 2 or 3) indicating how many total yarn tokens it’s worth.
Event Cards depict random events that occur when the player reveal cards. Each one includes the rules on how it should be resolved. Some will instruct all players to do a thing and others will only instruct the active player to make a choice.
Special requests are requests from your friends and fans to make special or unique items. We’ll go over details on special requests in a bit.
Project cards depict groups of items that can be collected and traded for points. Each project card has a name, a point value, and the items you need to complete it.
Patterns & Pattern tiles depict the exact number of colors of yarn tokens a crafter needs to create a specific item.
For a hat the player needs 2 yarn of different colors
For a bear the player needs 3 yarn of one color
For mittens the player needs 2 yarn of one color and 1 yarn of any other
For a scarf the player needs 4 yarn of different color
For a blanket the player needs 5 yarn of one color.
These will sometimes vary from game to game but the hat and blanket patterns will always remain the same.
Players take turns clockwise in order starting with the player who last crafted something. There are two phases during a players turn. The Action Phase and the Restock Phase.
On their turn the player chooses one of the four action spaces on their player board to move their action selection token to. Then they may do the actions indicated on that space. The token must always be moved to a new space each turn can they can not be repeated.
Each player has a number of actions to choose from!
Shop: Discard the number of cards indicated on the player’s board from the yarn bazaar and collect tokens equal to the color amount depicted on those cards from the Bazaar. Place your new tokens in your personal yarn bowl and do not replace the cards in the yarn bazaar at this time.
Take 3 Yarn: This is the spinner ability which allows them to take 3 yard tokens from the bazaar without discarding any cards!
Craft: Turn in the required yarn tokens to create an item and then take that item token from the supply. You may repeat this the number of times indicated on your craft action!
Craft 1 using any colors: This is the ability of the colorist. This allows them to craft 1 item and ignore color rules when crafting it!
Exchange: Return any number of yarn tokens of one color to the bazaar and take the same number of yarn tokens of any other color from the Bazaar.
After the action phase has been taken the restock phase takes place!
Two things happen during the restock phase! Stocking the Bazaar and taking restock actions!
When stocking the bazaar the players reveal cards from the main deck and place them into any empty slots in the yard bazaar. Once all of the empty slots have been filled, if any event cards or special requests are revealed this way, resolve them now but do not replace them in the bazaar. Any empty spots in the bazaar will be treated as 1 yarn of any color space for the next player.
When event cards are drawn, follow their instructions. When special request cards are drawn, choose whether to take it for yourself or give it to another player.
When taking restock actions the players may perform all, some or none of the following actions during the stocking phase.
Learn a new pattern, Frog it, or complete a project.
When learning a new pattern the player may discard an item token of any type to remove that items pattern tile from their crafting board. Once they have the pattern tile from a single item type they may use any colors to craft that item but must still follow the pattern rules. A bear will always cost 3 yarn of a single color, for example. if a player has learned that pattern, they can choose any color yarn as long as it matches that generic patterns rules. (ex. When frogging a bear, and that player has learned the bear pattern, they may choose three yarn of any one color)
When choosing to Frog it, the player places an item token from their crafting area back into the supply and then they take yarn tokens from the bazaar that match their current pattern for that item.
When completing a project the players select a project card from the project list and discard the item tokens depicted on the card to complete it. Place the completed project card in a stack in their player are and then return the discarded item tokens to the supply. Each item token may only be used as a part of a single project and then is returned to the supply upon completion of a project.
Any open spots from the project list are are filled in, unless there are not enough cards to do so in which game the game ends.
At that point each player other than the active one gets one chance to craft a single item or an incomplete special request using only their current pattern tiles and available yarn tokens. Players add up their points from their projects, special requests and item tokens that were completed. They add any points they earned from learning patterns and favorite request bonus points for their special requests and then they must subtract points for their incomplete special requests and also taking away one point for each yarn token remaining in their personal yarn bowl. The player with the most points in the winner!
At that point each player other than the active one gets one chance to craft a single item or an incomplete special request using only their current pattern tiles and available yarn tokens. Players add up their points from their projects, special requests and item tokens that were completed. They add any points they earned from learning patterns and favorite request bonus points for their special requests and then they must subtract points for their incomplete special requests and also taking away one point for each yarn token remaining in their personal yarn bowl. The player with the most points in the winner!
At that point each player other than the active one gets one chance to craft a single item or an incomplete special request using only their current pattern tiles and available yarn tokens. Players add up their points from their projects, special requests and item tokens that were completed. They add any points they earned from learning patterns and favorite request bonus points for their special requests and then they must subtract points for their incomplete special requests and also taking away one point for each yarn token remaining in their personal yarn bowl. The player with the most points in the winner!